Starship Troopers
Lord of the Rings
Black hawk down
Star Tiger
Starship Troopers
Lord of the Rings
Black hawk down
Star Tiger
i working in an old peoples home and i can understand that after a long life they die, but not in this horrible way of not knowing their family lost somewhere in their mind.. worse than that is the thought of children dying it angers me extremely that a god of love would allow this on the basis of his own ego!!!.
star tiger.
T he Christians and God have always got an excuse, the Bible is such a big book you can read anything into it rather like any religious book, here's a thought let's get rid of them all and give mankind a chance!
Star Tiger
i working in an old peoples home and i can understand that after a long life they die, but not in this horrible way of not knowing their family lost somewhere in their mind.. worse than that is the thought of children dying it angers me extremely that a god of love would allow this on the basis of his own ego!!!.
star tiger.
I working in an old peoples home and I can understand that after a long life they die, but not in this horrible way of not knowing their family lost somewhere in their mind.
Worse than that is the thought of children dying it angers me extremely that a God of love would allow this on the basis of his own ego!!!
Star Tiger
for any of you christian or otherwise who feel that the " end of the world " is coming please refer to this historical list of failed " end of the world " prophecies which never happened : .
history is complete with stories of failed , alleged " prophecies " of the coming of the end of the world- allegedly.
news for everybody- organized religion does this to control it's members through fear and guilt by telling them that they are all born sinners and that god is coming with a " day of reckoning " in which everybody has to " pay up " for their sins , or be rewarded - allegedly - for being better than other people who sin.. i'll say for the record- i think it's total control, manipulation, and scare tactics used by religion throughout history .
I'm sorry maybe I live in a technological utopia, is agenda 21 part of the NWO, please explain!
Star Tiger
this is about the goddess eris of chaos and how everything is run by her, an entertaining read, although it makes about as much sense as the bible but is far less judgemental !!!.
star tiger .
This is about the Goddess Eris of Chaos and how everything is run by her, an entertaining read, although it makes about as much sense as the Bible but is far less judgemental !!!
Star Tiger
for any of you christian or otherwise who feel that the " end of the world " is coming please refer to this historical list of failed " end of the world " prophecies which never happened : .
history is complete with stories of failed , alleged " prophecies " of the coming of the end of the world- allegedly.
news for everybody- organized religion does this to control it's members through fear and guilt by telling them that they are all born sinners and that god is coming with a " day of reckoning " in which everybody has to " pay up " for their sins , or be rewarded - allegedly - for being better than other people who sin.. i'll say for the record- i think it's total control, manipulation, and scare tactics used by religion throughout history .
The world has many times when the end would seem imminent then man has come up with a technological breakthrough and the human family has flourished, no more talk of doom and gloom, man has always sorted his own problems out, I know it's not perfect, but let's respect humanity ability to get through things, let's not look to an unknowable and invisible god let's do it ourselves.
Let's have a big cheer for the human race!!!!
Star Tiger
sorry for the profanity, but i feel that this religion says totally deny yourself, and ignore any ideas or hopes you have for your life, how do we get out of this mentality, i believe that this religion started my ocd symptoms and has caused me a huge amount of of personal discomfort.. .
appreciate your comments,.
star tiger.
Sorry for the profanity, but I feel that this religion says totally deny yourself, and ignore any ideas or hopes you have for your life, how do we get out of this mentality, I believe that this religion started my OCD symptoms and has caused me a huge amount of of personal discomfort.
Appreciate your comments,
Star Tiger
after such a traumatic experience in the jehovah's witness religion and reasoning on all other versions of religion, why do so many just jump ship into another religion offering the world but still delivering nothing!.
appreciate your comments,.
star tiger.
After such a traumatic experience in the Jehovah's Witness religion and reasoning on all other versions of religion, why do so many just jump ship into another religion offering the world but still delivering nothing!
Appreciate your comments,
S tar Tiger
this is the purest example of an oxymoron.
repeat this sentence over and over again and you will realize why it's impossible for some people to accept the big bang model.
This is a planet full of animals, plants, micro organisms to be defeated for our survival we have only 1% drinkable water and only 25% of the vegetation edible, we can't even digest cellulose in grasses, with our puny human frame easily defeated, the ant has more defence than we have against accidents and falls, trees that live twenty times our lifespan, and yet our intelligence is the most advanced on the planet!
I'm not feeling the love from an all caring God!
Star Tiger
by no means a new topic for discussion but always worth a fresh airing .
i'd suggest that the 1st century was quite a well documented time.
we have lots of historical evidence for important people who actually existed.
As Thomas Paine said I do not believe in hearsay evidence, if he existed, he was probably a very good man, with a reputation embellished throughout the ages with the miracles made up to ensure the story continued!
Star Tiger